Acofi papers, Encuentro Internacional de Educación en Ingeniería ACOFI 2016

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Kristell Fadul Renneberg, Alejandra María González Correal, Flor Ángela Bravo Sánchez, Catalina Alvarado Rojas, Francisco Fernando Viveros Moreno

Última modificación: 2016-08-19


The present article describes the evolution of the evaluation model developed by the Electronics Engineering (EE) Program at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. This model adapts the CDIO evaluation approach to the ABET accreditation criteria. The original model structure was based on the annual evaluation of program outcomes performance, analyzing the levels reached by the student population and gathering evidence for the self-study report. Here, annual rubrics were established for each competence integrated in the curriculum, and from the incidence matrix (courses responsible for the development of the outcomes), a group of courses was selected for evaluation.

The main problem of the proposed model was the management of the extensive amount of information, making the analysis and competence traceability difficult. In this sense, an evolution of the model was proposed, in which the CDIO competences (integrated in the curriculum) were grouped using a direct mapping with the eleven ABET outcomes. In addition, the annual rubrics, specific for each of the CDIO syllabus competence, were transformed into performance indicators of the ABET outcomes, thus simplifying the report and evidence gathering process. Furthermore, the evolution of the model allowed to improve the process of outcome analysis, to a more effective program evaluation process, including improvement actions to short and medium term, and feedback for continuous improvement.

Palabras clave

active learning; engineering education; CDIO aproach

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